Would you be interested to participate in the world's largest virtual gathering of plucked string instruments?
Join me and my students (see the list of musicians inscribed)! Represent your country in synchronized video to play a piece together!
Click here to have news of the video project editing.
Join me and my students, represent your country (two musicians maximum per country, see rules below) in a virtual international gathering of plucked string instruments (see list below), the performance of each musician performing the chosen piece (see below) will be integrated into a synchronized video to which we will all play a piece together! In this time of confinement what could be better than coming together and offering people love for music! Register yourself by sending me a confirmation of participation to my email address.
The project is simple (like this one Laudate Dominum), it consists of creating a video (see parts below) by following a soundtrack with headphones. Just record yourself with your phone or the equipment you have, and send me via Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer, etc. your video using my address: remiboucher@gmail.com
Afterward, I'm going to sync everything and put this video on YouTube on my channel.
Project details and rules:
The piece:
The Hornpipe movement by Georg Frederic Händel, from Suite no. 2, HWV348.
Select the part you want to play
Plucked string instruments:
Classical guitar, acoustic, soprano, bass or double bass, banjo, lute, theorbo, mandolin, pipa, harp, harpsichord, etc.
Note: If none of the parts are suitable for your instrument, you can make your own transcription, in order to match with the soundtrack.
A maximum of two musicians with the same instrument per country will be taken.
Please check from my Web site if your country is already represented. If not be the first to send your video!
Deadline for sending the video: May 18th, 2020 (previous date May 4th)
Download the score: Here the score and the parts
1. Choose the part you want to play, practice it until the tempo.
2. Practice with the audio track (new click track 23-04-2020) that you will use when you will do the recording.
3. Please check that your camera is facing directly at you.
4. Record yourself with your phone, tablet, etc. playing with the audio track.
Make sure you have the best possible lighting, use headphones to synchronize with the soundtrack.
5. Send the video by May 18th, via Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer, by using my email
After May 25th in the following days, the video will be posted on YouTube, you will be able to find the link on my website: remiboucher.com (see menu Project)
The final video will be posted on YouTube, the link will be on my website and Facebook as well.

Rémi Boucher